At Potsdam Central, we use a communication platform called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection between home and school. It provides a safe way for school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents to:
- Send and receive school and class information,
- Share pictures and files,
- See calendar items,
- Sign up to volunteer, and
- Schedule parent-teacher conferences
All district, school building, athletic, grade level, and classroom information is shared through email and/or text. For even more convenience, you can download the ParentSquare app for iOS and Android devices using the links below.
All emergency notifications and teacher/school posts will be sent to the email and cell phone contact information that is currently on file with Potsdam Central in SchoolTool. Therefore, it is important that we have your correct contact information. If you need to update your phone numbers or email addresses, please contact your child’s school secretary (315-265-2000).
- Lawrence Avenue Elementary Office - Extension 36248
- A. A. Kingston Middle School Office - Extension 36513
- Potsdam Senior High School Office - Extension 36809
To help you become familiar with ParentSquare and how it will help you stay connected, please take a few minutes to view the resources below.